Dilated and eroded images for scales 1-9 with a scaled hemisphere

Dilations and Erosions

Grid matching procedure in MDLA.

Model grid for person BP Best grid for test person BP after elastic graph matching with the model grid Best grid for test person BS after elastic
graph matching with the model grid for person BP

Model grid for person BS Best grid for test person BS after elastic
graph matching with the model grid for person BS Best grid for test person BS after elastic
graph matching with the model grid

The model grids are shown overlaid on the images in the first column. Deformed grids when a client (i.e., the correct person) or impostors (i.e., a person pretending to be somebody he is not) are shown in the second and third column.

Discriminatory power coefficients for the grid nodes in MDLA

Weighting nodes for BP Weighting nodes for DL Weighting nodes for LV Weighting nodes for NA

The brighter a node is the bigger discriminatory power possesses. The intensity of the nodes is normalized for visualization purposes.