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Multi-modal Verification for Teleservices
and Security Applications web page at
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Table of Contents

Project Objectives
Research topics addressed by our team

Project Objectives

M2VTS project addresses the issue of secured access to local and centralised services in a multimedia environment. The major problem in user authentification is to achieve on the one hand toll performance: false acceptance rate as low as possible (minimise access to impostors), and false rejection rate as low as possible (a registered user should access to his system in any case), and on the other hand stand the wide range of conditions of use of such systems as well as to provide ergonomically viable solutions. The use of multiple modalities will help to overpass potential technical limitations of individual modalities as well as take benefit of the emerging multimedia environment : workstations, network computers, smart phones are more and more equiped with audio and video capabilities. The research is driven by the application needs and user requirements. Therefore, work has essentially been driven by three main goals:

More information on the project achievements can be found at public web page of the project.

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Research topics addressed by our team

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M2VTS partners

Matra Nortel Communications (France)
Ibermatica SA (Spain)
Cerberus AG (Switzerland)
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
UniversiteCatholique de Louvain (Belgium)
University of Surrey (UK)
University of Neuchatel (Switzerla nd)
Renaissance (Belg ium)
Institut Dalle molle d'Intelligence Artifi cielle Perceptive (Switzerland)
Unidad Tecnica Auxiliar de la Policia (Spain)
Comp Telesecurite (France)
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (Spain)
Universidad Carlos III (Spain)