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Mobile Multimedia Processing for Emergency Handling

Thermal video and image processing is a fundamental component of an advanced mobile service that will provide critical multimodal communication support for emergency teams during rescue operations. After the introduction of the new service, rescue operations will benefit enormously from sophisticated multimodal interaction and on-line, on-site access to data services providing up-to-date operation status information, as well as details concerning aspects of the emergency, such as location and environment.

Thermal camera documents are pretty reliable and accurate regarding showing the exact temperature values in the scene. As these sensors have recently started to spread, few image processing analysis performed on the data they provide.

Our Method

Our Tools
The thermal video processing component constructed by the AIIA laboratory is running as a standalone executable in the application server cluster. It listens to a port as localhost to receive the XML message package sent by the remote client. The package is saved as a local XML file and parsed by the service to extract the data server location and file name information, as well as the list of processing tasks together with the regions of interest for which they are to be performed. The tasks offered by the application are presented below along with descriptive image processing outcome. A proper metadata description of the analysis outcome is populated back to the main server.


Colorization Tool

Hotspot detection tool

Fire detection tool

Boundary detection tool

Boundary object recognition tool

Boundary tracking tool


Automatic object detection

Our Research

  • Fire detection with Fourier analysis
  • Content description of thermal videos
  • Supervised object extraction by snakes
    • Tracing quadtrees for better concavity performance
    • Content adaptive heterogeneous snakes
  • Automatic object detection and recognition
    • Creating human pose database
    • Hierarchical clustering for template databases
    • Textual description of database for faster matching
    • Divide and conquer strategy for affine distortions
    • Object simplification for faster matching



Relevant Publications

A. Hajdu, A. Roubies and I. Pitas, ”Optimised chamfer matching for snake-based image contour representations”, in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2006), Toronto, Canada, 2006.

A. Roubies, A. Hajdu and I. Pitas, "Improving Concavity Performance of Snake Algorithms", in Proc. of Int. Symposium Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2006), Marrakech, Morocco, 13-15 March, 2006.

Research Projects

SHARE - “Mobile Support for Rescue Forces, Integrating Multiple Modes of Interaction” (FP6- 004218)


© 2006