Last Update 29 January 2002

Welcome to the Optimark homepage. Optimark is a benchmarking tool for still image watermarking algorithms that was developed in the Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Its main features can be summarized as follows:

The attacks that are currently included in Optimark are the following:

  1. No Attack
  2. Cropping
  3. Line and Column Removal
  4. General Linear Transformation
  5. Scaling
  6. Shearing
  7. Horizontal Flip
  8. Rotation
  9. Rotation + Autocropping
  10. Rotation + Autocropping + Autoscale
  11. Sharpening
  12. Gaussian Filtering
  13. Median
  14. Jpeg

The above attacks have been re-programmed from the Stirmark benchmark.

If you use the Optimark tool for your research, please cite the following paper: 
V. Solachidis, A. Tefas, N. Nikolaidis, S. Tsekeridou, A. Nikolaidis, I.Pitas, ``A benchmarking protocol for watermarking methods’’, 2001 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP'01), pp. 1023-1026, Thessaloniki, Greece, 7-10 October, 2001 
Reading this paper before using Optimark is highly recommended.

Please send your comments and bug reports to

Optimark was partially supported by EU Projects CERTIMARK & INSPECT.