OKAPI Kernel Simulator - Online help

TTP Module Setup

The archive file containing the TTP module can be decompressed using the pkunzip utility. All the files in the archive must be placed in the same directory. The name of this directory is irrelevant.

The file named "ttp_last.txt" contains the ACU id and customer number of the ACU that was created last. The file ttp_root contains the password of the TTP server. The password is currently set to "rally". Apart for changing these values if the user requires, no other action must be taken before executing the TTP server.

TTP Module execution

The TTP consists of two parts: the TTP server and the TTP GUI. The GUI is not required to be running for the server to function properly.

The TTP server runs by executing the "ttp.exe" file and the TTP GUI by executing the "ttp_menu.exe" file. The available operations are self explanatory.

SPv Module Setup

The archive file containing the User module can be decompressed using the pkunzip utility. All the files in the archive must be placed in the same directory. The name of this directory is irrelevant.

The first thing to do is to edit the file named "spv_info.txt" and enter the ID, public name and the address of the TTP server for the SPv to suit your needs. A TTP that you can use is located at "artemis.csd.auth.gr".
You may also edit the file "spv_root.txt" that contains the root password required to access the server with the GUI. The password is currently set to "rally".

Then an ODBC source related to the file "spv.mdb" must be created. To accomplish this you must run the ODBC administrator (version 2.5 or later). Then click on the System DSN button or tab and choose "Add". Select the "Microsoft Access Driver" and in the dialogue that appears enter the name "SPvDatabase" (case sensitive) for the Data Source Name. Then click the "Select" button and locate the "spv.mdb" file. Click OK and close the ODBC Manager. The contents of the SPv database can be edited either through the SPv server or by using Microsoft Access.

Finally, under the directory where you installed all the SPv server files you must create a new directory named "ENT_SOURCE". The files that contain the entitlements themselves (such as .zip or .exe files) must be placed into this directory.

You may also want to change the key that is used to encrypt the transmitted entitlements. The key is located in the files "SK.pub.pgp" and "SK.sec.pgp". The contents of the two files must be identical. The key itself is string with a lenght of 16 characters.

SPv Module execution

The SPv consists of two parts: the SPv server and the SPv GUI. The GUI is not required to be running for the server to function properly.

The SPv server runs by executing the "spv.exe" file and the SPv GUI by executing the "spv_menu.exe" file. The available operations are self explanatory.

Note: Input to the various fields in the dialog boxes should be one word only (no spaces).

User Module Setup

The archive file containing the User module can be decompressed using the pkunzip utility. All the files in the archive must be placed in the same directory. The name of this directory is irrelevant.

Before you execute the User Module the file named "user.ini" must be edited so that the line "browser =..." has the correct path to the WWW browser software that you are using. As it is, the program uses the Netscape Navigator for Web access. Other files relevant files are "lockout.txt" that contains the lockout password and threshold, "root.txt" that contains the root password for the terminal and "terminal.txt" that contains the information on the local terminal. Both the passwords are currently set to "rally"

User Module Execution

The User Module runs by executing the "user.exe" file.
  1. The first dialog box that appears asks for the name of the TTP server that will be used. Here you must enter the name of the host where you are running your TTP server. For instance, you might enter "artemis.csd.auth.gr".
  2. The main dialog box now appears. The first thing that a new user should do is to create a new ACU. This operation requires connection with the TTP (Trusted Third Party) server so you must be sure that the name of the TTP that you entered in the first dialog box is correct. Make sure that you note the number of the newly created ACU since you will need it to "insert" the ACU into the terminal.
  3. You must now "Insert" your new ACU into the terminal.
  4. Before you do anything else with the new ACU you must "Register" it.
  5. The ACU will not contain any SPv (Service Provider) servers so these must be added with the appropriate operation. An SPv server that can be used is located at "aias.csd.auth.gr".
Once one or more SPvs are added to the ACU, the user can then contact those SPvs to order the available entitlements and subsequently access them (execute them) through the kernel. In addition he can view the information available on the SPv's entitlements and even access demonstration versions.