Full Title: The European research taskforce creating human-machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication.
Total Budget:
The SIMILAR European Network of
Excellence has the aim to create an integrated task force on multimodal
interfaces that respond intelligently to speech, gestures, vision, haptics and
direct brain connections by merging into single research group excellent
European laboratories in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and in Signal
Processing. SIMILAR will develop a
common theoretical framework for fusion and fission of multimodal information
using the most advanced Signal Processing tools constrained by Human Computer
Interaction rules. Also, SIMILAR
will develop a network of usability test facilities and will establish an
assessment methodology. Another task of SIMILAR will be to address Grand
Challenges in the field of edutainment, interfaces for disabled people and
interfaces for medical applications.
Furthermore, SIMILAR intends to
establish a top-level foundation which will manage an International Journal,
Special Sessions in existing conferences, organize summer schools, interact with
key European industrial partners and promote new research activities at the
European level.
AIIA laboratory will contribute to
the topics related to multimodal signal, multimodal signals fusion and fission
and medical application.