Full Title: Computational Intelligence for BioPattern Analysis to Support eHealth
Strategic objectives addressed: eHealth (Call title: Call 1 of the IST Priority)
Technology, and our ability to produce vast amounts of data, has vastly outstripped our ability to sensibly deal with this data deluge and extract useful and meaningful information for decision making, especially in the biomedical areas. Novel computational intelligence techniques for bio-pattern analysis will be needed to fully exploit information from the vast amounts of data generated in the post genome era.
At present, research activities in intelligent bio-pattern analysis are fragmented and largely uncoordinated within Europe. Much of the work is carried out in isolation in many centres, which is unhealthy for the development of this key area where Europe can become a world leader. A key objective of this NoE is to address the problem of fragmentation of research activities in this key area. The aim of the Network of Excellence is to bring together key researchers from academia, the healthcare sector and industry to create a dynamic, critical mass of specialists to identify and address barriers to progress, and to co-ordinate, lead and promote the development and take-up of computational intelligence methods for bio-pattern analysis underpinning e-Health.
The Network has, as its aspirational goal, a 'Grand Vision' that provides a strong motivation for integration of the various centres of excellence making up this Network. Our vision is to integrate co-operative research aimed at a pan-European approach to coherent and intelligent analysis of a citizen’s bioprofile; to make the analysis of this bioprofile remotely accessible to patients and clinicians; and to exploit the bioprofile information to combat major disease classes. This ambitious Grand Vision will open up the possibilities of the development and support for future omnipresent and personalised active health support systems.